Integrated Modeling

The comprehensive suite of NGEE Arctic process studies and observations is being strongly linked to model development and application requirements for improving process representation, initializing multiscale model domains, calibrating models, and evaluating model predictions. A fundamental challenge for the NGEE Arctic modeling activity is to relate new process knowledge gained at fine- and intermediate spatial scales to states and fluxes relevant for integration in ESMs. Consequently, a nested hierarchy of models is being engaged at fine-, intermediate-, and global scales, connecting process studies to models and models to each other in a quantitative upscaling and downscaling framework.
These are the Integrated Models that NGEE Arctic seeks to improve:
Integrated Model 2
Hillslope hydrologyImproved representation of arctic hillslope hydrological processes
Integrated Model 3
Snow-vegetation-terrain interactionImproved representation of arctic snow, vegetation, terrain interactions
Integrated Model 4
Representation of tundra vegetationImproved representation of arctic tundra plant types
Integrated Model 6
Soil biogeochemistryImproved representation of arctic soil biogeochemical processes